Jyoti Shrivastava
Central Railway School & Jr. College,
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the school website of Central Railway School & Jr. College Kalyan.
As a proud Component of a school that has passed on knowledge, values and life lessons to generations of learners. I extend a warm greeting to our students, parents , staff and all stake holders.
Central Railway School, Kalyan has been instrumental in transforming lives of young learners through the power of education since it’s inception way back in 1918.
I am grateful to all the ancestoral mentors, their dedication has left an indelible mark on the institution and brought about an immortal positive change in its character.
It helps us in creating an environment that encourages our students to learn through curiosity and creativity. Our team of educators are goal oriented and committed to guide students with Scholastic and
Coscholastic concepts that equips them to excel in their chosen fields of careers along with values and skills that prepare them to navigate the challenges that they may encounter.
They are exposed to situations that promote social -cultural and emotional development, making them sensitive individuals and independent thinkers.
The school premise is a safe place for students to learn and grow. Nesteld in the heart of a bustling city, the greenery in and around the school creates a relaxed and positive atmosphere. The blend of old charm and hertiage mixed with the modern day education and technologies inspire students to aim high for the future with deep regards for the past traditions, values and beliefs.
I am thankful to the divine power in the pious organisation that has given me the opportunity to lead such an institute that has stood the test of time, adapting to every change that it has encountered for the benefit of its students.
I believe. That the golden triangle of the teachers students and parents who believe in
” वसुधैव कुटुंबकम” can create miracles not only for our society or nation but for the entire mother Earth.
Warm regards
Jyoti Shrivastava
Central Railway School & Jr. College,