Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
The school will assess a child based on Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas. Scholastic will include Internal Periodic Assessment (20 marks) and Half Yearly & Yearly Annual Examination (80 marks), Subjects: English, Hindi, Marathi(I-VIII), Maths, EVS (I-V), Science, Social Science, computer
Term-1 (first half of session): 20 marks for Internal Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam Total 100 Marks
Term-2 (second half of session): 20 marks Internal Assessment +80 marks for Annual /Yearly Exam. Total 100 Marks
Internal Assessment comprises of Periodic Test (weightage 10 marks) +
Note Book submission (weight age 5 marks)
Subject Enrichment Activity (weight age 5 marks).
- PT-1 (July/August); Term-1 (September/October)
- PT-2 (November/December): Term-2 (February/March))
- The syllabus for Periodic Test-1 will be the chapters that are taught in the class one week before the commencement of Examination. Syllabus for Half Yearly will be approximately 50% of the Curriculum Le, Term-I syllabus of Annual Exam.
- The syllabus of Periodic Test-2 approximately 75% Examination in class
- Syllabus of annual I to V will be Entire syllabus of Term-II+ 10% of Term-I.
- Co-scholastic Areas are: Work Education; Art Education;Health & Physical Education along-with Discipline
- Child needs to score at least 33% in total mark of Half Yearly and Yearly/Annual Examination taken together to pass in a particular subject.
- To get passed and promoted to next class, child has to secure 33% in each subject in overall performance which is equal to (Term-1(max) + Term-2(max))/2.
- If a child secures E-grade (below 33%) in a particular subject then he/she can be given ONE opportunity to IMPROVE his/her performance in compartment Exam/Supplementary Exam to taken at the end of the session.
- The syllabus for Annual Examination in class VI will be 10% of Term-I covering significant topics Entire syllabus of Term-II
- The syllabus for Annual Examination in class VII will be 20% of Term-I covering significant topics Entire syllabus of Term-II
- The syllabus for Annual Examination in class VIII will be 30% of Term-I covering significant topics Entire syllabus of Term-II
For Class IX, X, XII
School will assess a child on Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas.
Scholastic will include/Practical/internal Assessment (20 Marks) and Annual Exam (80 Marks) Total (100 Marks).
Internal Assessment comprises of
Periodic Test (5 marks)
+ Note Book Submission (5 marks)
+ Subject Enrichment Activity (5marks)
+ Portfolio (5 marks) or as per latest guidelines CBSE
- PT-1 (July/August)
- PT-2 (September/October)
- PT-3 (November/December)
- Annual Exam (February/March)
- The Syllabus for PT-1 will be the chapters that are taught in the class one week before the Exam i.e. approximately 33%.
- The Syllabus for PT-2 will be approximately 60% of the Curriculum. The Syllabus for PT-3 for Class-9 (80%) and Class 10th and 12th (100%).
- The Annual Examination will comprise of the entire/full syllabus (chapters taught from the start to end).
- Note: Practical subject in class – XII will have practical (30 marks) & Annual Exam(Theory) (70 marks).
For Class XI
School will assess a child on scholastic and co-scholastic area.
Scholastic includes Internal assessment (20 marks) & Annual Examination (80 marks) i.e. Total 100 marks.
Practical/Internal Assessment comprises of PT & domains prescribed by CBSE.
Note: Practical subject in class – XI will have practical(30 marks) & Annual Exam(Theory) (70 marks)
- PT-1 (September/October)
- PT-2 (November/December)
- Annual(February/March)
- To get passed and promoted to next class, child has to secure 33% in each subject
- Compartment Exam will comprise of entire syllabus of a particular subject and will be tentatively in the month of April.
- There is only ONE ATTEMPT for qualifying the Compartment Exam.
- 75% Attendance is a must for a child to appear for Board/Annual Examination held in February/March. The school sends a report of attendance to CBSE in the last week of January /first week of February and in case child is falling short of mandatory 75%, then he/she will not be eligible to appear in Annual Examination. Please ensure that your child fulfills attendance criteria.
Rules for Examinations:
- Attendance is compulsory for all tests and examinations held during the year, failing which the student will be awarded zero. No consideration will be given to the absentees except on medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Head of the school. It is the responsibility of both students and their parents to ensure that they do not miss any Written Tests or Examinations.
- Students reporting late for examinations will not be given any extra time for answering the question papers.
- Unfair Means: Students found using any unfair means during any of the examinations, will be awarded zero in that subject. Parent and the concerned student will be summoned and asked to provide an explanation. A repeat of such cheating in future will result in prompt issue of a Transfer Certificate without notice.
- Requests for the issue of Progress Cards before the declaration of results will not be entertained.
- Exam dates are decided in advance. Exam/Assessment cannot be conducted on any other date/ day for parents personal convenience /requirement.
Promotion Criteria:
Class I to V: 33% minimum in the core subjects (English/Hindi/ Maths/Marathi/EVS)
* Class VI to VIII: 33% minimum in the core subjects (English/Hindi/Marathi/Maths/Science /Social Science)
* Class IX to Class XII: As per guidelines of CBSE.